Troy Allen

Web Developer

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Front end developer with a strong customer service background to fully realize the needs of clients on the web. I am currently a student of the UNH Full Stack Program and will be certified in Full Stack Web Development with proficiency in Javascript, HTML, CSS, React, SQL and NoSQL database.

Recently, I was part of a group that utilized fetchAPI protocols to create a digital cryptocurrency wallet that displayed current and historic data rendered into graphic representation. I've also successfully deployed web applications that utilize independent front and back end processes as well as interfacing with SQL database systems.

In each project, I strive to utilize responsive dynamic elements to create and maintain the most up to date web experience. I’m looking forward to joining a team and contribute my real life experiences to create a truly memorable web presence.

E-Commerce Backend


CryptoCurrency Wallet

API/LocalStorage/Library Integration

Weather Dashboard

Server-side API/LocalStorage/UI-UX Design

Note Taker

Back End Server Integration/Express

README Generator

NodeJS/Object Destructuring/Async

Profile picture


Software Engineer with a strong customer service background to fully realize the needs of clients on the web. I am currently a student of the UNH Full Stack Program and will be certified in Full Stack Web Development with proficiency in Javascript, HTML, CSS, React, SQL and NoSQL database.

Recently, I was part of a group that utilized fetchAPI protocols to create a digital cryptocurrency wallet that displayed current and historic data rendered into graphic representation. I've also successfully deployed web applications that utilize independent front and back end processes as well as interfacing with SQL database systems.

In each project, I strive to utilize responsive dynamic elements to create and maintain the most up to date web experience. I’m looking forward to joining a team and contribute my real life experiences to create a truly memorable web presence.


E-Commerce Backend


CryptoCurrency Wallet

API/LocalStorage/Library Integration

Weather Dashboard

Server-side API/LocalStorage/UI-UX Design

Note Taker

Back End Server Integration/Express

README Generator

NodeJS/Object Destructuring/Async